Plus1 matched funding now open for applications

Enhance your 2022-23 fundraising with Plus1!
If you are a small to medium not-for-profit arts organisation that has a project to fund and a fundraising campaign ready to commence you could be eligible to take part in Creative Partnerships’ 2022-23 Plus1 program. With up to $50,000 in matched funding available, Plus1 can enhance your fundraising strategy no matter your project.
As well as the dollar-for-dollar matched funding incentive, Plus1 also provides you with the opportunity to attract new donors to your organisation, build valuable relationships and networks for new and diverse revenue sources, and boost your fundraising skills, with support from Creative Partnerships Australia.
How Plus1 works: If your application is successful, your organisation will run a fundraising campaign until 31 May 2023, and at the end of the campaign we’ll match what you raise up to $25,000 to $50,000 depending on the size of your organisation.
For more information about the Plus1 matched funding program, guidelines and eligibility criteria, follow the links below.
How to Apply
If you have any further questions prior to applying, please contact our Programs Officer, Erin Bugg on email or phone 03 9616 0321.
Applications close on Thursday 4 August 2022 at 5pm AEST.